H is for Hatred, Healing, and Hope. And Housing.
Hatred. What a word! Filled smackeroo-blurdy with power, and evil. Let's take a quick look at how hatred is born. What is there in our human condition that leads us to hate? I would contend that, overwhelmingly, it's fear. Fear and loathing. In Las Vegas. Or is it RotoVegas? Seriously, though: Fear leads either to submission: enslaving oneself to fear. That's an all-too common reaction, and not to be desired. Fear can, very occasionally, lead to questioning: is the fear rational? Is it phobic? What can we do to cure ourselves of fear? To save ourselves from fear? Or fear can lead to blind action: the active desire to strike out at what is feared, and to smash it into oblivion. To hatred. How this latter kind of reaction comes about is interesting, and I will look at it with a new feature called a Noodle. See below. But right now let's simply accept that we are dealing with a pandemic of fear, and Covid is only a tiny part of it. Let's also accept that we have ...