E is for Entropy, Excellence, Ents, and Eschatology.

 The 26 Letters and 10 numbers we all play with every have astonishing power: they can slow us down in traffic, tell us about the wonderful time we will have with (INSERT BRAND NAME HERE) in our lives; introduce us to Ents; and help us believe in money. If we are to revere Saints, let them be the ones who first thought of using a common mark to represent a common sound. Like the letter E.

Entropy is an accepted concept in reality: all things wear out. We are aware of the idea when we are younger, because we see it every day. Cars, flash and new, become shabby and old. A bright coin, offering hope at the beginning of its life and able to purchase a news paper will be dull and careworn in just a few years, and capable only of paying for a stick of chewing gum.

Our bodies are the same. They, with time, deteriorate. They stop being as lively and fecund as they were at age 25. Even at that age they are past their best. But, with regular exercise, a half-decent diet, and a reasonably healthy mind we can slow the onset of the appearance of age.

But why should we? Can we not take pride in looking what we are? A fifty-year old person  looks, for better or worse, wiser and more experienced that a tight-bodied 20 year old, fresh of face and innocent of pain.

Entropy will ultimately bring us into our own intimate understanding of Eschatology: the knowledge of what happens to us at the end of (our) time. People who have observed death and its aftermath from life's side report that what awaits our body is further corruption and decay. And we have argued, often bitterly, about what happens to our minds post-carking it. Or souls, or being, or whatever nomenclature you may wish to use.

I have seen a great deal of anger and vitriol expended on social media over this tiny matter. Many Christians are particularly concerned with the state of my "soul", and would condemn me to hellfire and perdition if I should choose to question their beliefs. A few Muslims are probably gnashing their teeth in anguish because I continue to draw breath, and I have no doubt there are Buddhists, Shintoists, Wicca, Communists, Liberal Moneterists, Real Estate Agents and Trumpists who would wish me harm as well.

But my mind is my own, my "soul" or "being" or "spirit" is my own, and I wish no harm to anyone who has differing views. Indeed, I welcome the opportunity of conversing or debating with them. But I fear that the fanatics have no interest in talking, They simply want to take what they see as the appropriate action: and that is only the action that they agree with.

As energy never disappears (it merely changes form) I think that whatever electrical impulses that course around my cranium will dissipate. "I" will become part of a raincloud, will help power a hedgehog, and perhaps even become part of an Ent. 

That is, in my mind, about as Excellent a final destination as I could possibly hope for Perhaps, in my own understanding of Life, the Universe, and Everything - the pursuit of Excellence is also inextricably tied up with the journey to death.


ee cummings said:

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit

Kisses are a far better fate than wisdom

Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense
